Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Settle your souls, the Deva approaches

 The Deva are one of the mortal races, albeit ones that are shrouded in intense mystery. No one, including the Devas themselves, can remember what they were or where they came from. They fall to the human realm like comets, fiery and luminescent till they crash down into hard earth. They emerge as humanoid figures, wrapped in the cooled, cracked stone of their landing. They are stars imprisoned in rock and clay, roughly in the shape of an extremely tall human being. All they can recall is a single, distant sensation of lightness, unbearable to recollect under this new, weighty burden of a material body. Besides them, lies an immense shard of metal, perfectly shaped into a two-handed greatsword of significant width. 

Physically, the Deva share few similarities. This comes in part due to the very varied and individual manner in which they choose to decorate or shape their stone bodies. They are distinct from the masonry by the halo of magical flame that encircles their head, which also bleeds out of any cracks in the stone. The Deva's stone shell is both their armour and prison, presenting them a form of dysmorphia that causes immense discomfort and they alleviate this by altering them. The Deva often becomes a walking history, carved by the people they meet and shaped by the events of their lives. Most Deva have an instinct towards making themselves look and seem as human as possible, to blend in and assimilate, as much as a seven-foot living statue leaking fire may. They often reflect the culture and art of the place they reside, seeking artists and craftsman to recreate local beauty and style. Some Deva, chasing the ethereal memories that they can only catch the barest glimpses of, choose to reject humanity and the associated material baseness. They shape their forms into barely human physiques with alien geometries, denying any associations with man. They form a collective known as "Outsiders", believing that Devas are above the materiality of this realm and seeking to return to the now lost realm originally inhabited by the Deva.

The angels of Kill Six Billion Demons (The chokehold this webcomic has on me).

 Some theorise that the Deva were originally angels from the great heavens. This would explain the ethereal dreams of bright light and weightlessness that are characteristic of the Deva, as well as their inclination towards strict moral and behavioural codes. Others say that they are golems of a supreme wizard and realise halfway through their thought that it is exactly the same as the previous theory. It is true that in their initial state of amnesia, the Deva are susceptible to dishonesty or trickery, and are often seen as naive or robotic in their manner. The older Deva, well-versed in humanity, are far less gullible and punish attempts at manipulation with calculated violence. The Deva have trouble reading facial expressions and emotive language which makes them seem sociopathic and unsympathetic. Yet, they are often great champions of the poor and unfortunate, all of them inherently believing in the most basic of laws, that all men are equal and taking measures to ensure as such. 

Guts in Berserker Armour looks entirely the part.

(Playing the Deva in DnD 5e is as simple as giving the Warforged a halo of fire. The subraces can very easily be reskinned as different shells).

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